Regulatory Signs 1/ 23

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Regulatory Signs: These signs are square, rectangular, or have a special shape and are usually white or red with black, red, white or green letters or symbols. They tell you the requirements for stopping, yielding, traffic direction, lane use, turning, speed limits, parking and other special situations.

Some regulatory signs have a red circle with a red slash over a symbol. These signs prohibit certain actions, i.e., no left turn, no right turn, no U-turn, etc.

The "Do not pass" traffic sign tells you where passing is not permitted. Passing areas are based on how far you can see ahead. They consider unseen hazards such as hills and curves, intersections, driveways, and other places where a vehicle may enter the roadway. These signs, along with pavement markings, indicate where you can pass another vehicle, the beginning and ending of a passing zone, or where you may not pass. Where it is permitted to pass, you may do so only if it is safe. Be aware of road conditions and other vehicles. Also look for double solid lines on the highway.