Before you drive 7/ 11

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Seat Belt Facts.

  • All passengers must wear seat belts. Children under age of 8 must be restrained in a car seat or booster seat.
  • Seat belts keep you in the car. In case of accident you will avoid ejection from the vehicle.
  • The majority of crashes occur at speeds under 40 mph. However, seat belts must be always fastened, regardless of how slow or fast you are moving.
  • The forces exerted on your body during an accident equal your weight multiplied by the speed of the car. It is not possible that you can brace yourself against such force.
  • Three quarters of crashes resulting in death are happening around 25 miles of home. Always use seat belt, even if you are only going to the store at the corner.
  • In case of fire or submersion during collision, a seat belt may keep you from being injured or knocked unconscious, which gives you chances to escape.
  •  According to statistics, two out of three motor vehicle deaths in Utah would not taken place if seat belts were used.